What is GreenGive?
GreenGive is a day of giving that harnesses the collective power of individuals like you to provide the
critical funds needed to protect our local waters and lands. The fun kicks off June 4 and continues online through June 5 at midnight! 

Who are the GreenGive Partner Organizations?
Annapolis Green

Arundel Rivers Federation
Crownsville Conservancy

Friends of Jug Bay
Good Neighbors Group

Maryland Reentry Resource Center
Scenic Rivers Land Trust

Severn River Association
Spa Creek Conservancy

St. Luke’s Restoration of Nature Project
Unity Gardens

Watershed Stewards Academy
Wild Kid Acres

Many Ways to Give
There are many ways to support GreenGive.
You can pitch in “for the greener good” by giving online on June 4 & 5, or by spreading the word about
GreenGive in your community, your workplace, or your congregation.

New to GreenGive? Find out more at greengive.org and follow us on Facebook

You can donate directly to Unity Gardens and/or one of the other 12 organizations to support the GreenGive 2024!