Unity Gardens Grantees: Look Who’s Blooming!

Check out our Spring 2024 grantees!

Unity Gardens is pleased to support these 18 projects in their efforts to use the power of plants to address localized environmental issues like habitat loss, erosion, and stormwater runoff. 

Arundel Rivers Federation

To transform the Police Station’s garden spaces into native habitats, fostering community engagement and supporting the Juvenile Justice Diversion Program. 

Chesapeake Children’s Museum

To control hillside erosion into Spa Creek and to serve as an example through weekly nature walks and other programs of using native plants to protect nature.

Christ Our Anchor Presbyterian Church

To provide outdoor education and to beautify the third station on our church Discovery Trail – the “Grandparents’ Garden,” a place for respite and connection for all ages.

Deale Elementary

To fill a flower bed that leads to the entrance of the school with beautiful native flowers and shrubs. 

Brooklyn Park Elementary School

To purchase native trees and shrubs for a community food forest for a public elementary school.

Georgetown East Elementary School

To beautify the front entrance of Georgetown East Elementary School with native shrubs and perennials, and create a beautiful pollinator garden.

Langton Green, Inc.

To establish a thriving and resilient orchard expansion at the Langton Green Community Farm that provides multiple benefits for the environment, the I/DD community, and the broader community.

Magothy Cooperative Preschool

To expand our current native rain garden to accommodate parking lot runoff. 

Newtowne Community Development Corporation

To enhance an existing Community Garden in the Woodside Gardens Apartments community by replacing dead and unhealty plants with Native plants and added shrubbery while building the awareness and knowledge of community residents about gardening and native plants and shrubs. 

Pines Community Improvement Association (PCIA)

To fund a native-plant conservation garden that will address stormwater runoff at the Pines playground.

Saunders Point Citizens Association

To replace existing dead or deteriorating native plants as well as add new native plants in three sections of an existing series of bio retention gardens in the medians on Carvel Lane in Saunders Point.

Severn Grove Improvement Association

To plant native species in our regenerative stormwater conveyance system to form a healthy plant ecosystem where there has been a large kudzu invasion. 

SPCA of Anne Arundel County

To create two native plant gardens using plants, bushes, and trees that enliven the property, manage water, and attract and shelter pollinators and wildlife. 

The Captain Avery Museum

To restore the native plants in existing garden beds and rain garden at the museum.

Tidewater Property Management (Saltaire)

To build some native garden beds to filter stormwater runoff present in the community.

West Annapolis Civic Association (WACA)

To create a native garden on the right side and a native garden on the left side of the path to Weems Creek at Tolson St Park.

Whitneys Landing Community Association

To create a rock garden that will effectively catch runoff water, thus mitigating flooding in the low-lying area adjacent to the Severn River. 

Windsor Farms Elementary School (AACPS)

To create a friendly pollinator garden which will support and enrich our environment literacy curriculum. This garden will provide a tangible learning environment to all the grade levels. 

Past Unity Gardens Grantees: